速報APP / 醫療 / LCCH Oncology Family App

LCCH Oncology Family App



檔案大小:19.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


LCCH Oncology Family App(圖1)-速報App

LCCH Oncology Family App: Your child’s cancer care information at your fingertips.

The LCCH Oncology Family App is designed for the families and the young people affected by Cancer in Queensland Australia.

What people are saying about the LCCH Oncology Family App

“The app is a wonderful resource for families. It provides information on when to call the hospital, a shared care hospital directory state-wide, a place to record appointments, write questions and record blood counts with easy access to resources.”

LCCH Oncology Family App(圖2)-速報App

“The app is a must-have for all paediatric oncology families.”

“I hope my teenager will take more responsibility in their care and use it too.”


• When to call the hospital, listing signs and symptoms with ‘Click to Call’ 000 and Ward 11b

LCCH Oncology Family App(圖3)-速報App

• Directory of shared care hospitals with 24 hour and day-time contacts - ‘Click to Call’

• State-wide hospital address details and Google Maps to the nearest shared care hospital

• Blood Results Table including height and weight

• Calendar for appointments

LCCH Oncology Family App(圖4)-速報App

• Free Text for keeping your personal medical diary notes and questions for your Doctor

• Contact details for your child’s treating team

LCCH Oncology Family App(圖5)-速報App
